Saturday, August 15, 2009

Building those memories

Today was an ordinary day.

I woke up to 5 screaming boys. What a treasure. My two sons, my grandson and two of their friends.

I was tired. So much so I felt ill. But I got up and I pushed myself.

I made chocolate chip pancakes for "my" boys.

Gage left with his dad and the rest of us got ready to go to the pool.

David and Jack laughed and screamed and ran and played. I was a little tense as you could expect with 4 year olds around water.

And then I looked -------- really watched ------- and David, with a big smile on his face, was running into the water and then onto the dry cement in awe of his footprints. I had no camera with me but my heart took a picture.

So special to see these moments of pure joy and happiness experienced through innocence and youth. From a mind not yet burdened with life. From a boy whose energy level was unaffected by the 4 times he was up last night.

The house is quiet now and I am going to bed. Just another ordinary day . . .

I am so blessed. Thank you God.

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