Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Some happenings of late...

...we will be heading to Madison again on Friday. Mike is thinking he will need to be admitted before Christmas. We shall see.

I was very fortunate to have Monday off of work. Almost took the whole day off too. What a pleasant change. I got so much done around the house. Tree is up....things are getting a little cleaner. Life is good. Today was the first time since I can't remember that I didn't bring anything home from work with me...AND...I left at 4:30. Wow, I'm turning over a new leaf. It feels awesome.

Here are some happenings from around here:

Love these men!

This young man got two !st place ribbons at the piano recital.
Ah, yes they are hanging from his ears.


This little guy is always full of wonder. He planted his apple seeds in the back yard.....waiting for spring.


David turned 6!!

Perfect Form!

A family reunion!
Aunt Cheryl, Uncle Jim and Mom :)

First Grade with Mrs. Lauber

Sixth Grade with Mr. Zunker and Mrs. Witte


The annual Pumpkin Patch Picture

Aaron and Amanda get married

Annual sisters picture

Uncle Jerry, Grandma Joyce and Aunt Kathleen
Soccer season was fun

This very special woman turned 90! Happy Birthday Aunt Jean!

Richard started basketball.
Which brings us to today.
Blessings to you as you prepare for the coming of the Christ Child.
Love, love, love.

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