Friday, April 17, 2009

Why do I scrapbook?

It's been a while! But with a free weekend ahead I had to update my blog. Scrapbooking is definitely taking off. I love to surf the net and look at everyone's scrapbook pages. Everyone seems to have their own reasons to scrapbook!

Why do I scrapbook?

It started as a little hobby. But after 10 years of collecting stuff for this hobby and never producing anything I had to think about why it was I wanted to do this. After the addition of our little surprise package (see page below) my reasons started to change. I basically decided to scrapbook after David was born to be able to leave him some of the things I have given to my older children and may not get a chance to with or for him.

Most of my scrapbooks deal with David and then Richard. Why? Because Katie and Mike have already had me for 25 years and David and Richard haven't. I have set my priorities for scrapbooking accordingly. I obviously don't keep track, lol but most of my stories etc., are geared to help teach the younger two things I hope Katie and Mike have already learned from me. You never know.

How do I scrapbook?

In 15 minute chunks of time. I have tried setting aside an hour or a day or a weekend and have always just set myself up for disappointment. I was just never productive during those times. When inspiration strikes for a story I want to write I take a few minutes and write out the story. Next time I have a few minutes I go pick out some pictures to go with the story. Next time, the papers, then figure out how I want to throw it together etc. Sometimes I will leave the gluing until I have several pages and then if I do get that golden hour or more to myself I let my creativity (ahem, scraplift) go wild and add embellishments and glue everything down. It feels so good to finish a page - even if it does take me a few weeks. ;)

Here is one that took me a week to complete. Happy David will have this to look at some day!

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